Vedic Age

Vedic Age

Vedic Age

Vedic civilization is divided into
1. Early Vedic Period.
2. Later Vedic period.

1.Early Vedic Period (1500-1000BC):

This period is also known as Rig Vedic Period.
Aryans were come in India from central Asia.
According to Max Muellar, central Asia is the original home of the Aryans.
Swami Dayananda mentioned in his book ‘Satyartha Prakash’ that the original home of The Aryans was Tibet.
According to Rig Veda, the Aryans lived in the land of seven rivers or ‘Sapta Sindhava’
The Aryans spoke the Indo-European Languages.
The Chief is called ‘Gopati’.
Godhuli is used as a term for a measure of time.
The greatest God of the Aryans was Indra.

2.Later Vedic Period (1000-600BC):

Society was divided into four Varnas – Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Sudras.
Kings were known with different names in different region. Eastern King – Samrat, Western king- Savrat, Northern King – Virat, Southern King- Bhoja.
The term Rashtra indicating territory first appeared in this period.
The Later Vedic people used four types of pottery – Black and Red Ware, Black Slipped Ware, Painted Grey Ware (PGW) and Red Ware(RW).

Vedic Literatures:

The word Veda is derived from the Sanskrit word Vid, meaning to know or knowledge per excellence.
Vedic texts are divided between Sruti-based on hearing and Smriti-based on memory.

Four Vedas 1.Rig Veda.
                          2.Sama Veda.
                          3.Yajur Veda.
                          4.Atharva Veda.

1.Rig Veda:

Rig Veda is divided into 10 Manadals or 10 Books. 
The IX Mandala is dedicated exclusively to Soma.
The X Mandala contains Purushasukta hymn that explain the origin of four Varnas.
The most prominent deity in the Rig Veda was Indra.
Total number of hymns – 1028
Gayatri Mantra is attributed to Savitri. Gayantri Mantra is the most sacred hymn of Rig Veda.
The singer of the Rig Veda is called Hotra. 

2.Sama Veda:

Origin of Indian Music.
Sama Veda derives its roots from Saman, Which means a Melody.
Total number of hymns- 1603.

3.Yajur Veda:

It is a ritualistic Veda.
Yajur Veda is divided into two parts – Shukla Yajur Veda and Krishna Yajur Veda.
Written in Prose.

4.Atharva Veda:

Atharva Veda is a book of Magical Formula.
Total Number of hymn- 711 , it is a non Aryan text.
It is divided into 20 kandas.
Origin of Medical Science.

The Upanishads

There are 108 Upanishads.
Origin of Philosophy.
Other Name- Vedanta.
Origin of Satyameva Jayate  - Mundak Upanishad.

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