Magadha Empire | Haryanka | Shisunaga | Nanda Dynasty
Magadha Kindom :
- Haryanka Dynasty
- Shisunaga Dynasty
- Nanda Dynasty
1. Haryanka Dynasty :
- Founder of Haryank Dysnasty - Bimbisar.
- Title of Bimbisar - Shrenik.
- Bimbisara was the first Indian ruler to maintain a regular and standing army.
- Capital of the State - Rajgir.
- Physician of Bimbisar - Jeevak.
- Greatest Ruler - Ajatshatru.
- Title of Ajatshatru - Kunik.
- Last Ruler of the Haryanka Dynasty - Nagadasaka.
2. Shisunaga Dynasty (412-344 BC) :
- Nagadasaka was killed by his minister - Shisunaga.
- Founder of Shisunaga Dysnasty - Shisunaga.
- Shisunaga established his capital at - Vaishali.
- Greatest Ruler - Kalashoka.
- During the reign of Kalashoka second Buddhist council was organised at Vaishali.
- Capital of Kalashoka - Pataliputra.
- Last ruler of the Shisunaga dynasty - Nandivardhan.
3. Nanda Dynasty (344-323 BC) :
- Founder of the Nanda Dynasty - Mahapadmananda.
- Title of the Mahapadmananda - Ekarat, Sarvakshatrantaka.
- Mahapadmananda is called - Parshuram iii, He was also known as Ugrasena.
- Last ruler was - Dhanananda.
- Dhanananda was known as - Agamas.
- Dhanananda was killed by Chandragupta Mauryan.
- Alexander invaded India during the reign of Dhanananda.
Important Points :
- Iron deposits were situated near to Rajgir, the earliest capital of Magadha.
- Pataliputra was called as Jaladurga (water-fort), because it was surrounded by rivers from all sides.
- Magadha for the first time used elephants on a large scale in wars.
- The Haryanka dynasty of Magadha is known as petrihanta (killer of father) dynasty.
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