Structure of Indian Economy
Indian Economy MCQ
Salient features of Indian Economy-MCQs with Answers.
Structure of Indian Economy or Nature of Indian Economy is an important chapter for SSC, Rail, NDA, CDA, UPSC, UPPSC, WBCS, WBPSC and other state exams. In this section, We will represent the most important MCQs with Answers of the Chapter Structure of Indian Economy or the nature of the Indian Economy.
MCQ on Indian Economy.
So, Test Your Knowledge and Boost Your Study.
Structure of Indian Economy-MCQs with Answers
1. In an economy the sectors are classified into public and private on the basis of _____
In an economy the sectors are classified into public and private on the basis of Ownership of enterprise
2. The word economics is taken from which language?
The word economics is taken from Greek language.
3. The term mixed economy denoted
Existence of both private and public sectors.
4. When was the concept of Human Development Index (HDI) introduced by the United Nations development programme?
5. The principle of maximum social advantage is the basic principle of ______
The principle of maximum social advantage is the basic principle of Fiscal Economics.
6. In India planned economy is based on
In India planned economy is based on Socialist system
7. Tertiary sector activities include
Tertiary sector activities include Infrastructure services.
8. In terms of Human Development Index India falls under the following category
Medium .
9. It will be true to classify India as _____
It will be true to classify India as a labour surplus economy .
10. A socialist economy is
A socialist economy is An equalitarian economy.
11. Indian economy is a
Indian economy is a Mixed economy.
12. Which of the following experience the fastest expansion during the planning period in India ?
Services .
13.The unorganised sector of India is characterized by
The unorganised sector of India is characterized by more currency transaction.
14. Trickle down process in India has become
Trickle down process in India has become Partly successful.
15. A closed economy is in which
A closed economy is in which Neither export nor import take place .
16. India's wage policy is based on
India's wage policy is based on Cost of living.
17. The components of HDI is / are
Life expectancy index.
18. What is the mainstay of Indian economy?
19. Who is the pioneer of economic nationalism?
R.C. Dutta .
20. Take off stage in an economy means
Steady growth begins.
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